October 2021 Newsletter

Adoption News


Our Adoption Assistance Grant is offered quarterly in Christian couples within the state of Georgia. Our fourth quarter grant cycle is open and will close on Wednesday, December 1. Families working with a licensed 501(c)3 child-placing agency for a domestic or international adoption may apply. Awarded families receive their grants once they are matched with a child.

Do you know a family currently in the process of adopting? Share our Adoption Assistance Grant with them! Our goal is to help reduce the financial barriers to adoption through our adoption assistance grant. To learn more about our Adoption Assistance Grant, visit our webpage.

Foster Care News


We are thrilled to announce that Erika Bates is our new Foster Care Coordinator for Clarke and Oconee Counties. Erika and her husband Matthew have been foster parents since 2019. Erika has seen firsthand the difference wrap-around support makes for a foster family, and she is excited to continue developing our Foster Care Support Program within Clarke and Oconee counties. Erika earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Bachelor of Art in Criminal Justice at the University of Georgia. Erika and her husband Matthew have two daughters. She loves reading and takes part in a monthly book club. Their family worships at Athens Vineyard Church.


We are looking for the right individual to join Erika as a Foster Care Coordinator for Barrow, Jackson, Walton and surrounding counties. This individual will continue to cultivate new relationships with churches in these areas while continuing to support our established Church Advocates, community partners, and collaborators.

Chosen for Life